Hurricane Update

Hurricane Update

We’re proud to say that during the passage of Hurricane Beryl, our SmartHomes at Aqueduct of Vineyards performed as expected; we’re dry!

Designed with concrete slab roofs, rooftop solar systems, and two water tanks, one for rainwater and one for potable water, our SmartHomes are built to withstand a category 4 hurricane, and a 50-year flood (a flood that statistically has a 2-percent chance of occurring in any given year).

For Aqueduct of Vineyards, we raised the level of the entire development by about three feet, which is above the 50-year return period.

Beryl, which was 80 km off the coast when it passed Aqueduct of Vineyards, brought winds of up to 140 mph and four inches of rainfall to the Spring Garden area.

We were happy to find on Thursday morning that not a single house or driveway flooded! As designed, the flash flood waters moved through our drainage system, to our detention pond and out the public drainage system.

If you were living in one of our SmartHomes when Beryl passed, you’d be safe and sound, because all SmartHomes come with a solar system, two water tanks and reinforced concrete roof.

Pretty smart huh?


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